Without Truth...

Posted on 5:15 AM by Isaac | 0 comments

...three can be no progress

For those of you who dont know about the Armenian genocide. The Ottoman Turks (Turkey) attempted to exterminate the Armenian Greek and Assyrian populations during World War 1.It was characterized by the use of massacres, and the use of deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of Armenian deaths generally held to have been between one and 1.5 million.

The Turkish government have for years officially denied any such event and for years because of the strategic military agreement (bases and support) between the US and Turkey, the US (as usual) has refused to do the right thing in the interests of what was politically expedient.

what was really telling about this were the comments by Representative Dan Burton of Indiana who said the following

Rep. Dan Burton: “We have sympathy for the people that suffered during that time. We understand tragedies occurred. We understand horrible atrocities occurred. There’s no question about that. But we’re in the twenty-first century. We have troops in the field, and we run the risk of losing a base of operation…in Turkey.”
Dude...perpetuation a lie is not an expression of sympathy. Particularly when the continuation of such a lie benefits you.

In case this is the attitude people take to marginalized communities. Get over it, it happened a long time ago. As if the ripple effects of such acts do not echo today.

BTW the housed passed the resolution to recognize it anyway.