Thoughts on why cut education and other issues

Posted on 5:32 AM by Isaac | 0 comments

Simple truths

The more people w/ access to scarce resources the less there is to go around. Education increase that access. So if you cant afford it you're stuck.

Increasing competition insures (at least in theory) that the best are at the top, after all incompetence is bad for business.

Marginalized communities suffer most from cuts to education.

No Child Left Behind is an epic fail and Obama has done little to deal with it.

If we wanna talk about government being broken education is truly broken. It is a perennial focus of political rhetoric yet education seems to be at the bottom of the list of things to do.

Yes teacher accountability is important however that accountability cannot be soley based on standardized testing because it narrows the curriculum and put the focus on test prep instead of learning.

Education in this country is based on white supremacist ideology.

Heavy community involvement in the education process is needed.

Brain storm w/ me folks!!