Wishing Palestine and Gaza The Best...

Posted on 10:04 PM by Isaac | 0 comments

I got into a "Why Dont I Support Palestine more" discussion..

Truthfully my thoughts are with Palestine and Gaza i wish them well. Israel did an evil thing (huge surprise) in this raid and i hope they are held accountable (frankly Israel got set up for the okey doke and took the bait).

I hate all oppression however my time and resources go my people first. For much the same reason the Palestinians time and energy goes to the blockade of Gaza. My point that there is an educational and organizational standard that has to be met before we can link up with other anti oppression struggles.

This is where the issue began..the bolded was what was missed

Her standpoint was that my standpoint was tantamount to not caring about the people of Palestine and not recognizing the sameness of our struggles for liberation. Thus creating this vacuum where nobody struggles but us and thus ignoring potential allies.

Now she is right, there is a great deal of sameness. However the reality is i have yet to hear Palestinian outcry over Aiyana Jones or about the black struggle in america or about the shitty treatment of black people by the arab world in northern Africa. Maybe its because they don’t know or maybe its because they have more pressing issues. Fact is the geography matters and un-blockading Gaza doesn't equal a tangible win for struggling black folks. That doesn't mean I don't care it means i don't see us spending resources and time that could be better invested here in our communities to build awareness about our inability to self determine. We cannot live in a vacuum or turn our backs on the pain of others because oppression is simply wrong. But we also have to be intelligent about how we spend our time and resources in attacking oppression. We simply cant do everything.