Its a Wrap if I See You In The Streets: Jozen Cummings

Posted on 10:09 AM by Isaac | 33 comments

This fool here wrote this mess here

This article supports and provides a guide to exploit women purely for sex.

I am totally disgusted and completely appalled that Essence Magazine would promote such sexual objectification and misogyny particularly when the majority of its readership is made up of young girls of high school and college age. Mr. Cummings’ article provides a guide for immature and manipulative boys on how to prolong the exploitation of a woman for the sole purpose of sex. Mr. Cummings even acknowledges that no woman wants to be a “jump off”.

Are women especially Black women not exploited enough in a world where genital circumcision takes place? Are Women especially Black Women not exploited enough in music and in real life relationship situations to the point where a magazine that is supposed to highlight the beauty of Black Femininity must contribute to the sexual objectification of Black Women that harkens back to Saartjie Baartman in the 19th century. Mr. Cummings asserts that it is bothersome and undesirable to show proper respect and value for women by taking them out or doing anything that would necessitate spending time with the woman in question outside of the act of sex. Essence Magazine and its entire staff should be completely ashamed of themselves for even considering Mr. Cummings for employment as he is the author of several articles in VIBE magazine and SOURCE magazine that have taken the same disrespectful tone toward women.

Our Women Are Precious Queens not whores.

Are there women who engage in casual sex yes but this article isnt about that its about a man exploiting a women and preying on her because she hopes for the relationship to develop something more. Essence ought be ashamed....

But being the Protector I Am I helping to organize bombarding Essence letting them know that this bullshit has gotta stop...

so hit me with a email...join the facebook group here if you trying to get down

this has got to stop


Anonymous said...

I just read that article via your blog. That is the most disgusting thing I have ever read in my life. I did take into account that this is how some men think I still cannot believe that a respectable publication like Essence which is intended to empower bp and women would stoop to this level of "journalism". This was a huge uh oh moment for Essence they are certain to lose a lot of readers over this. said...

You're ridiculous. Take your cape off and put the hoes down. The real problem with the objectification of women is that ninjas keep speaking on behalf of them. Liberate a bitch and let her fuck at 2am. It's her orgasm, stop blockin. Being a jumpoff never stopped a woman from going to college (as I beat hundreds of jumps with text books), it hasn't stopped them from paying taxes, and it never took food off your plate. In fact the only ninjas mad at jumps are the ones that aren't hittin. Which brings up my next question. Nah, nevermind. Stick to the script playboy. You're dealing with the Deacon Board here (that's biblical pimpin) Brotha Jozen "Asthma" Cummings is a well respected dude. I'd leave the him out of it if I were you.

Copper Soul said...

In regards to, you're an idiot wrapped up in a moron tortilla. This is why punks like y'all get ya members swiped and whatnot. First off, I don't have jump-offs, and secondly, you sound like a person who'd like to get stuck by a dud that calls himself "Asthma". That's like admiring a man named "Delicious". This ain't Love and Basketball, so take you and your bromance of whorish male empathizing into your bedroom and thank your mother and father for raising the world's first talking and living asshole. Thank you.

In response to Toya, Essence is solely dependant on the empowerment of rich, black, successful leaders in a Talented Tenth way. They could give a damn what readers think if their sales are low. Why not exploit this as an article to out this guy? Maybe they could find him and fuck him up. The editor was probably thinking to shock the viewer into displaying this ignorance through the mag in order to have women either wake up and recognize faulty game, or to really go as far as King and other debauchery-laden mags as to opress black women even further.

Neither male, Jozen, or ZM respeted their mother if this is whatthey think females were for. They do't respect their own birth, nor their own importance of life. Is it worth closing the circulation? Hell yeah and no. We should circulate our own articles and mags that uplift our significant others. Keep reporting, cat!

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions, man. Why not let women take the lead in speaking out and boycoting? I mean, who voted you protector? Did women ask you to save them or did you annoint yourself? If you annointed yourself, you sound like you may have some megalomaniacal tendencies (a little Napoleon with dreds).

It's 2009, bro. Women can effectively let their voices be heard without men taking the reigns. The moment I feel the need to start a cause or campaign on women's behalf is the moment when I've probably lost my respect for their ability to engender change. Be supportive and encouraging, sure, but there's no need to do it for them.

And why, of all the things in this world to boycott, would you want to boycott Essence magazine, an overwhelmingly positive and empowering magazine for black women for many years? You are no revolutionary or fighter for justice. You are a provacatuer with little understanding of tactics or strategy.

It also sounds as if you have no concept of casual dating or its pervasiveness. Jozen never suggested being abusive or violent. He was putting the rules out their for the world to see. It takes two to tango. If thousands of women decide to enter into a casual relationship with men (AND THEY DO!) then it is their right and privilege and none of your friggin' business. If anything, you should be glad that a man would post some rules on the subject matter so that women have a better understanding of what they're getting themselves into.

You'd do just as well boycotting the movie "How to Be A Player" After watching it a few times you'll have less penis envy.

Anonymous said...

Replace word "boycot" with "protest" in the prior post. I was in a rush to quelch the nonsense.

AC17E02 said...

Get a life dude. Who annointed you the divine protector of black womens vitue? While I appreciate your concern for the reputation of black women and I respect your right to disagree with Jozen's article publically, you do not have thr right to threaten anyone with harm, especially a friend of mine. "Its Wrap if I see you in the streets" LMAO! Spoken like a true college educated "thug". Dude grow up. Let a journalist be a journalist and never disrespect a well respected black man, especially since you claim to be a "protector". Jozen is a college educated brother from a prestigious university that has worked at some of the most respected outlets for black journalist. You can learn alot from him. But since I do not posess the sensibilities that Jozen does. It a wrap if I see a dude in the streets that threatens one of my friends! Grow up and use your talents for something positive little boy!

Anonymous said...

you're definitely a pussy. Not Jozen. YOU. What the happen to this generation of men. The homocation for America. Let a JUMP be a JUMP. DON'T SAVE HER SHE DON'T WANT TO BE SAVED

Anonymous said...

...if I catch YOU in the street!

Isaac said...

And yall post anon throwing sand lol...Clowns..i stand by what i said...NOBODY DISRESPECTS MY SISTERS. Grow up children Be men...of course feel free keep hating. I love knowing the truth burns your soul lol

Anonymous said...

u have a right to ur opinions, and use of criticism. but, you've approached them in the wrong way.

so, look bruh...i dont take kindly to threats. or threats to this gentleman. ill tell u like this, or rather give u some advice, fall back on the threats. if i see you in the streets, ima whoop yo muthaphuckin ass. and sir, im not bullshitting.

Isaac said...

lol keep it coming lol

Anonymous said...

this song may rescue you from your condition notesticlelitis:

learn to respect a man, talk to a man face to face, and not make grand proclamations. what u just did, makes u, indeed, a pussy. pull up ya pants and stand up straight.

Disgusted said...

Wow....I strongly hope that some of these responders have not reproduced yet or work with children...because God knows we don't need anymore BOYS who think like that roaming the earth. Its fatherless, pseudo-intelligent cowards like the anonymous poster as well as the other commenters who misconstrue the roles of men and women as well as equality and spew their halfway thought out opinions of "knowledge" to further drive our communities into a hole. Yes US women have a choice to engage in acts as such discussed by this Jozen character (and being college educated does not mean you cannot be ignorant!), but as a MAN it is your RESPONSIBILITY to protect the ones who carry and bring forth life...a WOMAN. This man isn't just coming at "jump-offs"...he's giving tips on how to continue to exploit and objectify a woman's act fairly prominent in our community. Whether you choose to believe it or not he's exploiting your mother, sister, aunt, cousin, and daughters to more juvenile persons of the male sex to be taken advantage of. So while you're sticking to your "guns" of not saving a whore, there is another man with your SAME mentality coming at your female relatives ready to exploit her goods because he knows that she doesn't have males in her family smart and /or strong enough to defend her honor. You all need to read (goodness I hope you all do that) about the village concept among African societies and see how your mentality is doing more HARM than good. Instead of taking what is spoon-fed to you and blindly running with it....expand your perspectives and THINK for once!

And save that e-banging for someone who do you look telling someone you're gonna whoop their tail from 1) an anonymous name and 2) over a computer.... At least the blogger has balls to stand by his name...stop being a coward. The rest of you need to tell your mothers that they OWE you some answers because your thinking is FLAWED. And if daddy taught you that he wasn't much either. We definitely have a race of babies who hate the ladies that make the babies....

Disgusted said...

And Isaac is NOT by himself in this protest....there are hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other women who stand WITH him on this protest. I wouldn't expect you all to realize that either since you already do such a terrible job scanning the surface.

Erin (Rinny) said...

#ShoutOut to all the anonomys fools on here :-D!

I just wanted to say this is the simplest shit I've ever seen in a magazine thus far. Ebony Magazine gets no love from me after this. It's disgusting and degrading... and did I mention simple?

What did he say that was enlightening to anybody? Do we really need a blog to tell us how to treat our women like shit? Most of you do a pretty good (if not better) job with that on your own.

Hopefully this idiot will get fired, or Eseesnce will follow up with, "How To Keep A Good Woman". ...or "How To Be A Good Woman".

Thanks to this author as well :-D I know what to look out for if a jerkoff wants to treat me like a jumpoff <3

Erin (Rinny) said...

I made a mistake in my first paragraph. I meant Essence not Ebony. Sorry.

I also wanted to add that just because you guys are college educated doesn't mean that somehow you are superior than anybody else on here commenting. I know plenty of idiots on my campus alone who are book smart, but not at all street smart. That does NOT mean that it makes it any more or less right or wrong for some one to state their ignorant opinion about the offspring their mothers and sisters have produced. Nor does it give you a right to say where an man's place or a woman's place is in defense to OUR people. Nobody else is protecting US but US. Neither the constitution or the Bill of Rights protect US (us = people of color) completely. To say we should "let a hoe be a hoe" is to say to "let a racist be a racist" or a "killer be a killer". Perhaps I should write a blog or two about how to manipulate men and swindle their money - because I'm sure the SAME DAMN men on here would stand behind women who would completely disagree with that statement. Does it really matter who is doing the protecting? I feel comfort in knowing that I, a black woman, who is being exploited, is protected. Don't belittle some one's opinion because it is not yours.

Anonymous said...

"book smart not street smart" lol, that's what all the C- students said to make themselves feel better when an A+ student made a slight error or social miscue.

giving yourself authority over others that did not give it to you is crazy...and as your master, it is my duty to make sure that you're protected from the dangerous inequality that exists in your mind between men and women. get my drift? you just can't go around assigning yourself duty over others out of thin air! if a woman or group of women have a problem, let them manage it. if you disagree then how about you let a white man, or an eskimo, or Bigfoot proclaim himself your protector and take over writing this blog because he can articulate your thoughts more effectively than you can. the whole idea is asinine and insulting.

and all you stiffs need to open yourselves up to the REALNESS that is casual sex. no one is explointing a woman that WANTS to be in a no-strings-attached relationship. can you get that point through your skull? do you understand that a lot of women like to be sexually suggestive, enjoy showing off their beautiful bodies, and want to get a good f*ck? ain't nothing wrong with that, and when a woman makes up her mind to get her freak on then that's her prerogative and no male is in the wrong for obliging. again, it's not exploitation, it's friggin' liberty. it's sexual emancipation.

it appears the end goal of this blog is to have women walking around in burka's and men masturbating to images of veiled eyelashes. wake up and lose your virginity (and i'm not just talking about sex here).

Isaac said...

lol anon #8

Did you even read what i wrote lol. If a woman makes that decision then fine...but thats not what Jozen Cummings wrote

What he wrote was exploitive and thats what the post reflects. It was about how to keep a woman in a purely sexual relationship knowing full well she wants more than that. that not even a relationship its USE. Thats sexual exploitation and that is wrong. And because women are humans just like me its not okay w/ me. Especially for black women who have been hyper sexualized all through European society. To write an article that supports that is abhorrent to me. And as Man who has a mother and sisters if its unacceptable for any man to do that to them its unacceptable for it to happen to any other woman.

Im sorry that your confused about what a real man is and what a real man does. Allow me to help you out. A Man stands on his
principals (the things that you believe in). In this case its the fact that a woman is not to be exploited but should be treated w/ the utmost respect.

lol yall cats are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

and one more thing. yes, my mom and grandmom and aunts and nieces and cousins and whoever else are all women, and (1) this piece is in no way explointing them. it has nothing to do with them because none of them (that I know of) are in those types of "jumpoff" relationships. and even if they are then that's their businesss if it makes them happy. if it makes them mad/sad/depressed then they are free to exit the situation whenever they decide. and (2) those relatives are NOT the ones i'm trying to procreate with so a distinction must be a made. i hope you you make that distinction, too. i hope so anyway. we can't continue to treat women as though they don't have a choice in relationships. in this country women have a choice and essence is an american magazine.

the problem is you're focusing on the trivial shyt when there are some REAL problems going on. for example, some REAL sexual exploitation among women (and children) exists with the sex slave trade particularly in asia and other parts of the globe. it exists with domestic violence. come on dude, there's a huge divide between a woman who chooses premarital or extramarital sex outside the bounds of a meaningful relationship and another woman that has no choice and gets genitally mutilated. focusing on the REAL problems is way better than being protesting a clever guy who's shared how to efficiently manage a stable of willing women.

Anonymous said...

that's the thing, man. if a woman wants more then sex and she's not getting it then she can ALWAYS OPT OUT. that's what i mean by CHOICE. women are smart. they know when they're not getting what they want. if they decide to continue doing what they're doing then they'll keep getting what they're getting. you can't be exploited if you have a choice. simple. hope you're reading what i wrote.

Isaac said...

*exhale*...your hopeless. Its never ok to be a whore, willing or otherwise. Its never okay to promote it. Thats it. People may make choices to live that life and its their choice but i refuse to sit silent be okay with it when i know otherwise.

Anonymous said...

that's cool. one man's whore is another man's jumpoff is another man's sexually liberated woman. to each her/his own. i have zero dreds. you have many. dred whore. lolol. j/k over and out.

Erin (Rinny) said...

Anonymous, thank you for taking one quote from what I said, using it as a tool to insult me because of your lack of rebuttles. Book smart and not street smart, yes it it real... and for your information, I am an excellent student with a 3.72 GPA, and being in Honor's College in my universality, I have firsthand knowledge that there are many peers of mine that can read a book and make the grade, but wouldn't know the price of promiscuity if it smacked them in the face. Unless, of course they got pregnant and couldn't figure out who the father was. Which as also happened. It doesn't take a C- student to make a simple observation such as that.

It's very easy to say that sex is OK with whoever, wherever, and whenever when we are looking at a broad spectrum, but when you look at the rates of AIDS decreasing in white folks, and increasing in black folks, I'm pretty sure you'd be singing a different tune. we can always say, "It will never happen to me, and that's somebody else's problem." but until you decide that you want to help some one else but yourself, you have no right to comment on anything that can only increase the statistic.

Your point about the sex slave trade is indeed valid, but do not get it confused. There are plenty of children, whether you are one or not, who are living without a father to look up to, thus their mother is never home... and they are struggling mentally and financially as a result of their mother being a "jumpoff". Just because it is not nationally recognized does not mean that that child's suffrage is not any more or less important. Let's focus on our country before we focus on others, shall we?

Now if my concern for future generations without a father and a mother makes me stiff then so be it. If my concern for a generation that may be lost due to the spread of STDs and STIs makes me completely blind to the world of "casual sex" I don't really give a shit.

You can continue to use words such as "stiff" and call me a "C- student" etc.. but the fact remains that this article was not right. If you felt so enlightened by the simple statements he posted that you've probably heard from one of your "homeboys" on the street anyway, then I'm happy for you. Go find this guy and you two compose a magazine solely for others who are interested such as yourselves. For a magazine like Essence, this is disappointing.. now if it was in XXL or something I would have no comment. Take that as you'd wish.

Anonymous said...

the C- minus comment wasn't directed as an insult to you but rather as a general observation about the idiots in high school and beyond that put someone down who is smart enough to have their nose in a book so they don't have to run the streets. congratulations on your 3.72 gpa. more people should do well in school, seriously. you want a cookie, though? an intelligent person doesn't have to say they're intelligent.

please feel free to read what i wrote. specifically, i said there's nothing wrong casual sex and mentioned nothing about unprotected sex. you added the unsafe sex part instead of asking my opinion about it. in fact, i recommend that EVERYONE know their hiv and sti status. you have little concept of subtlety in arguments. an endorsement of women's sexual freedom is NOT an implicit endorsement of the spread of hiv. duh! everyone should be responsible.

and kids aren't struggling because their mother is a jumpoff or likes to have sex with whoever. kids are struggling because both parents made poor decisions about contraception, about their relationship with each other, about how to raise their children, and about how to manage a household. again, it has nothing to do with sex.

for real, you guys/gals make sex out to be something evil and to be avoided. you might be missing out is all i can say. fearing sex and using it as a scapegoat for seemingly everything is uber-dangerous. it's happened before and continues to happen to the harm of mostly women and sadly, future generations.

Erin (Rinny) said...

A comment in response MY statement wasn't directed towards me? Sweetheart! Please recant that statement. LOL! My original intent was not to "brag about my intelligence". It wasn't until YOU insulted ME that I brought that up. Again. You're taking little things that I am saying and completely missing the point, which is why this is going to be my last response to you.

Do you think that it's only "unprotected sex" that causes HIV, STDs, and STIs? You think that not wearing a condom is the only way you can get a pregnancy? If so, you're wrong. They spit that knowledge to my sixth grade baby cousin, so I won't even comment. I'll leave the research up to you I'm completely sick of trying to educate you my brother.

Re-read the article, sweetheart. The article was a poor choice. It basically told you how not to have a woman emotionally attached to some one whom they are sleeping with. It was not a casual sex guide. If this man thinks it's completely valid to sleep with a woman and leave so on and so fourth, do you think he'll be there to take care of his child if need be? He even stated at the beginning of the article, he cares about what was in between your legs. Not you. Again since you've been missing the point, I am not against "casual sex" I am against this article. Let's not get the two confused. I'm sick of seeing you go off on tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument at hand.

The only person who twisted it into an anti-sex thing was you. I never said I was anti-sex. I'm pro-sleep with whoever the fuck you want as long as you know who they are, their status, your status, and you both are safe. Personally, I prefer monogamy and that is MY personal choice. I wouldn't sleep with anybody who thought different, but that is another topic and my personal choice. I shouldn't be chastised for it.

Again just so you understand, I never said DON'T HAVE SEX! I said DO NOT DEGRADE WOMEN IN A DAMN MAGAZINE. I don't understand where you got the two confused, but the opposite of "this article is degrading women" is not "women should not have sex".

My first response was opposing the comments saying "let a hoe be a hoe" not the original article. I do not agree with women being degraded or called whores by the same people who are so avid about their "casual sex" and sleeping with them.

I did not say I was some Jesus Freak (which trust me I am FARRRRRRRR FROM) that preached abstinence and hated sex. That was your own assumption. Perhaps you should read the context of my posts instead of mis-reading in between the lines.

Thanks for the responses though.

Anonymous said...

again, i do not know you nor do i care for how you feel about my alleged insults so why not believe me when i say my insults weren't directed towards you? it's not all about you. my comment was specifically directed at idiots and nincompoops and if you believe you fall into that category then so be it.

and please don't project what you THINK i know about sex into this conversation without getting my explicit opinion first. for the record, i have made zero definitive statements about how to protect oneself during various types of sex. for your information, correct and consistent latex condom use IS the cornerstone of HIV prevention and IS effective at preventing pregnancies. and if they told you that in 6th grade then it still applies today when they tell your 6th grade cousin. i could say more about dental dams, female condoms, the pill, etc. and i could go on and on about preventing pregnancies and hiv through community action, gender and sex norms of various cultures around the globe, ranges of sexual expression, BDSM, polygamy and monogamy, intersex and transgender literature and blah blah blah, but it's beyond the scope of this discussion. addressing the fact that you feel the need to educate me when i did not ask for it also belongs in another conversation. all i can say is there are a lot of superiority complexes running rampant on this blog.

and i'm not missing the point at all. the point TO ME is that women CHOOSE to be in these type of jumpoff relationships and if they choose to do it then it's their right and privilege. if they choose not to do it then that's also their right and privilege. simple. therefore the piece is not degrading since it expounds upon the rules that some men play by when women make the choice to play that game. and to me it's preferably much better that the women who play the game do not have strong emotional attachments if they only want the sex. the author makes perfect sense in that regard.

again i say, if a woman doesn't like the situation then she can opt out. it's not degrading to me to call a woman jumpoff when she chooses to fit the description. call a spade a spade. and yes, i believe the author can still handle his business as a father because love for and commitment to his children need not be predicated on his feelings for their mother, particularly in the case of unplanned pregnancies.

now there's no need for you to suggest i'm going off on a tangent when it's you that refuses to see how my arguments apply directly to the article and your arguments.

Anonymous said...

eric, u know what bruh. ur still in college. and ima be perfectly honest with. u spitting out ur gpa exposes ur youth. ur very, very young. the same goes for the blog author.

author, u present a good effort, but until u have more life experience, dating experiences, work experience and sexual experiences, your views will change.

grow up a bit, cuz right now, your argument is meaningless. the discussion and practice of sex and sexuality is part of what makes us human. step that shit down, and take some years.

allow these women to stand up for themselves pimpin. they dont need you. a women's magazine published this article, and it is headed by women. they dont need ur help in regards to them defining who they are, and what they should and should not do with their bodies.

Your "protector" mentality is very, very sexist. it's under a thin veil of "good intentions," but it is sexist.

secondly, u should familiarize yourself with internet and media laws. cuz what ur doing, with the copyrighted photo, as well as with not so subtle way of expressing an idle "threat" could get a subpoena and an arrest your way. it is still under consideration. but u dont realize that, because u are still in your youth.

you have some very grown folks on here who are watching this shit, and you are officially on a radar. the circle is very very small, and i promise u, u wont be forgotten. dont kill ur potential career by insulting someone well-connected, who knows other people who are way more well-connected than you could ever imagine. pick better battles. u couldve expressed ur opinion with no problem, with taste. but this shyt is a bit too far. too far.

if u take one thing away from what i type, remember, the circle is very small. whatever rebuttal u may present, is cool, in it's own right, but it will be ignored.

food for thought.

Erin (Rinny) said...

Just so "the new Anonymous" knows, my name is Erin... not Eric. I am a female, not a "bruh" Great to know that you superior, intelligent beings called "adults" have such stellar reading comprehension...

...stating my GPA exposes my youth? I assume the comment directed toward me, calling me a "C- student", which was the ONLY reason I mentioned that, was very adult like. I will not deny the fact that I am young and have a lot of learning, I'm twenty. But you, too, were twenty once. It is not a handicap, but a learning experience... so your attempt to stick a pacifier in my mouth is a complete fail.

Also Mr. Adult Man, please don't threaten my future career movements. It's nice to know that you BELIEVE you're successful enough to put a word in over a comment I posted somewhere. But I too know plenty of people in high places. You don't have to be a certain age to network. Congratulations on your success, but I'm quite capable of building my own empire, as you so claim to have done yourself.

Again, if some one reads a blog and chooses not to give me a career opportunity that I am qualified to fill, then YAY for their MATURE ADULT selves.

Seriously. This is my last comment. Thanks for the laugh though.

Anonymous said...

erin, apologies for the mistake of your name. i only referred to u in paragraph 1. the rest wasnt to u. "author" is the author of this blog. practice that reading comprehension. relax ur shoulders, and read deeper youngin.

Erin (Rinny) said...

Stop flooding, he has a new blog now.

K.O. said...

Damn, I'm all sorts of late on this. This was thoroughly entertaining and thought provoking. Too bad there was so much personal shit slinging because at its intellectual core, this is a fascinating topic.

My 2 cents: I am a female. I can see why Jozen's piece would upset ya'll and understand your points. However, I credit Essence and their savvy move of having Jozen write that piece because we're talking about casual sex in a way in which (most of) our upbringing denounced. I can't speak for Jozen but I know his intention is not to belittle women nor strip their independent sexuality away.

We have to be careful because when we reference these notions of what a "good black woman" is and "values" concerning our sexuality as black women - we're hollering back to a time (and even before that) when many women were stuck in the kitchen, fixing up the food while the men were out wailing and "protecting." And, while I tip my fedora to our hardworking brothers and fathers who have fought for our causes - there is such a thing as evolution of thought and identity. Grandma and Grandpa's convos about sex were worlds away from ours. Not a coincidence. Sexuality has evolved.

Females can have jumps too! Dudes (and/or gal pals) can decide if they're gonna stick around with a lady who's clearly not ready to settle down and feels she has the right to *intelligently* skim the surface of various flavors. Conversely, a female can decide if her situation is demeaning, stressful, not fun. What's more empowering than knowing that at any moment your fine ass can up and walk the hell out and not miss a step in your walk?

We can agree to disagree on this one. Sorry for the ridicule inducing tardiness. Just had to opine.

Anonymous said...

With this situation I don't think women need you to be "The Voice." I surely don't. Most of the people that got offended by this article are ppl who have either been a jump-off with hurt feelings or caught their man cheating with a jump-off. Women do the same exact things that men do and I guarantee that if a woman had wrote a similar blog it would not have caused such an uproar.

Flash Poker said...

Hardly I can believe that.