The Wise Latina Women for the Sotomayor haters
this is probably a lil late but i took the time to write it so its getting posted
The purpose of diversity in government is to incorporate the insight and experiences of America's ethnically diverse population into the governance of our country. Its goes without saying that every individual experiences life differently and its no less true for America's various ethnic populations. It is these experiences in addition to our respective cultures that makes us who we are Sotomayor's Wise Latina comment that asserted here status as a Latina as making her a better candidate for the supreme court than any or some white men is NOT racist as some would think. In terms of diversity i have to agree. The United States Supreme Court's over 200 year history has been grossly dominated by men of European Decent. And somehow in America where we love to hold hands and talk about how much we value diversity and how we live in post racial society, when Sotomayor asserts her heritage as a defining asset its a problem. Simply put people are (purposefully) misinterpreting Sotomayor's statement and assuming she means she is superior to white men instead of She's the best pick because she brings diversity to the Supreme Court.
The suggestion that she will be unable to be impartial is also laughable. Her record clearly shows her respect for the rule of law and precedent. And since we are on the topic impartiality what exactly is the standard of impartiality for the Supreme Court? To say that Sotomayor wouldn't be impartial because of her heritage implies that those before her have been and they have been majority white males with the exception of Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas, Sandra Day O'Conner, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Essentially it seems the view point of while maleness is the standard and considered to be the benchmark those outside of that are suspect. The fact is that a person will always filter situations though their experiences which will vary from person to person and culture to culture and one can do that and still be objective and operate within the rule. That's the whole point of diversity. To suggest that Sotomayor cannot when her record shows she can is racist.
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