Acceptance Vs. Autonomy

Posted on 10:36 AM by Isaac | 2 comments

so im scanning thru one of the message boards i frequent and i see that an individual was talking about the struggle of Black People in America and characterized that struggle as one of acceptance (specifically i want to be accepted as just and American or just as a person) it made since at first but after thinking about it for awhile i find that i disagree.

1st off Acceptance is an individual decision. Anyone who has been to high school or middle school for that matter knows that not everyone is going to accept you. So in a sense as a group of people engaged in a struggle against the oppressive forces of White supremacy, economic suppression, and gender bias I don't see acceptance just happening one day nor do i see it as something that can be worked towards. A person either does or does not.

So what are we really fighting for?

the answer i came up with is Autonomy

I want to be autonomous. I want to be able to do what i want to do how i wanna do it, when i wanna do it. I wanna be able to work towards the goals i want with out worrying about how my hopes and dreams can be dashed, set back, or delayed because im black or any other negative feelings.

Now that we have the destination whats the vehicle?


PrinceSsK said...

I totally agree. I think seeking acceptance gets us into trouble.

Isaac said...

thanx for commenting. i think people dont understand the psychological trauma of seeking acceptance where people dont want to accept you