Michael Steele Has Officially Solidified his Sambo Status
"In an interview with CNN's Campbell Brown on Tuesday, the Republican Party leader insisted that white males would not be granted even-handed jurisprudence under a Court with Obama's nominee.
"God help you if you're a white male," said Steele. "If you're seeking justice, this may not be the bench you want to go before"
As if to say white men haven't been exploiting and prostituting the justice system from the get go.
Politically the Republicans cant block Sotomayor's passage because the Democrats have the majority in the House and in the Senate so they are making a public opinion ploy to try and make the Democrats make a hard decision between the opinion of the public and Sotomayor. Thus they play the reverse race card and try to characterize Sotomayor as racist against white males because of her comment that her status as a woman and a minority is an asset to her as a judge because of diverse experiences it has afforded her. Experiences that are currently and historically lacking in the Supreme Court. The plan is to use this to mobilize discontent with Sotomayor and make the Democrat Representatives and Senators vote against Sotomayor to save their seats in congress. With Michael Steele a black man making these obviously racist statements it provides a buffer to the Republican Party from being accused as racist.
Don't Be Fooled this is Oppression at work.
I hope being a Sambo pays well Steele cuz when they thru with you. You'll be all by yourself.
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