French Class

Posted on 10:08 AM by Isaac | 0 comments

so im taking a french class and we were talking about liberty and freedoms

(betcha see where this is going)

and we arrived at a bit of an impasse

the instructor asserted that things like being able to live where you want, and being able go to a university of their choosing. were privileges as opposed to rights and i rebutted in bad french that it wasn't that long ago that my people were discouraged if not downright hunted down if they did such things and cited the fair housing act of 1968.

At that point it became obvious that we meant totally different things. She was referring to point those are things you gotta work for and own and i was referring to the fact that a person has a right to have those things if they work for it.

Its funny how 2 people coming two different areas can see something so differently.

keep challenging