Lil Kim....*sigh*

Posted on 9:51 AM by Isaac | 2 comments


you can read the article if you want but my main point here is to look at the little gallery thing. Nevermind Charlie Wilson who is a great musician, lets focus on kim's look.

Sorry for the mug shot lol but she used to look like this.

lol here's a better photo
lil' kim Pictures, Images and Photos

now she looks like an asian transvestite (no diss but she looking real man-ish imo). Is this obvious plastic surgery addiction symptomatic of a larger problem of lack of self love and appreciation and unrealistic beauty standards? (Yes!!!!)

i know this is run into the ground. But it really and honestly hurts me to my soul to see someone not appreciate themselves. I think its a good idea to keep this in the forefront of our minds that self love and self worth are so important and all take time to make sure that we love ourselves and any changes that we make we do so out of our love for self.


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She is indeed amazingly talented, the important thing is that she continuous to do great music.

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I think she was beautiful but now seeing that photo I agree with you because she looks like a transvestite, imagine when she wakes up at mornings.