Quick note on November Elections and economy

Posted on 3:29 PM by Isaac | 0 comments

Voter anger stands to make the November elections very interesting.

Im fairly sure the dems are going to lose seats if not a result no progress on the economy, the return (for white people anyway) of the culture wars (islamaphobia, LBGTQ community, immigration) the inability of dems to promote success and unwillingness to go on the offensive against the reps. As well as the fact that some people just cant stand to have a black man in charge.

November will show whether or not the Tea Party Endorsement means anything. They have managed to get some folks past the primaries, but it pays to be extra in the primaries. And with the their extra conservative backing it could be signal of the changing face of conservatism. The media has done a particularly good job in painting them as a monolithic whole of racist idiots claiming to be victimized w/o knowing the meaning of the word and venting their anger at the wrong people (some of that may be more me than the actual media). All while holding on to idea that government any kind of federal government is bad (Ronald Reagan).

Btw white victimization and arguments about state rights (which is ultimately what veneration of Ronald Reagen is tantamount to) should make black people very nervous. Dr Claude Anderson would agree and add "when one says they are conservative...What is it that they are conserving?"

Im also beginning to wonder what are the legit plans for a economic recovery. B/c the new deal 2.0 isnt looking like a go. When you think about what FDR Had in terms of a strong manufacturing base, people with those particular skill sets and political environment, I dont see those things or even the financial ability of the governement with two active wars to do those things.