If I Were President. Wyclef's Candidacy In Haiti

Posted on 8:26 AM by Isaac | 0 comments

This is a very complex situation. The political situation in Haiti was already a powder keg pre-earthquake. Now with elections forthcoming and the possibility of a Wyclef Presidency in the mix and the future of Haiti hanging in the balance this is a pretty vital time.

Now as usual, the context.

When we look at the structure of this election. We see that the Lavalas Party has banned from the election. The Lavalas party is the party of Jean Bertrand Aristide the ousted President of Haiti as a result of a coup d'etat led by the US, Canada, and France in 2004 in the way of that coup a UN army occupied the nation ever since. The following video displays how the UN Army and Puppet government installed there post coup have oppressed the people of Haiti

Now The Lavalas party being banned is significant because this party whenever it has been able to run has enjoyed overwhelming support of the Haitian people. Rene Preval who was formerly of the Lavalas Party was elected in 2006 when security conditions (read the UN and American forces murdering the people) did not allow Lavalas to run. This not to say that Aristide has clean hands. Although Aristide claimed to be a man of the people and promised to clean out the corruption that had plagued the Haitian people, Aristide stands accused of of the same corruption he sought to destroy. Aristide is accused of stealing stealing millions from the public treasury, Stealing Aid money, Aiding and abetting drug traffic, and extorting the business community. As well as utilizing fear and threats to maintain power.

according to William F. Jasper
"Through a series of "elections," coups, and counter-coups between 1991 and 2004 "Father Aristide" served as Haiti's president during three periods (February-September, 1991; October, 1994-February, 1996; February, 2001-February, 2004). After failing a non-confidence vote by Parliament in September, 1991, Aristide was deposed while outside the country (during a trip to the United Nations in New York). In 1994, President Bill Clinton re-installed "Tidid" as ruler of Haiti — at gunpoint, using the United States Army and Marines. After six months, the U.S. military forces turned the operation over to the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), which was still composed, primarily, of U.S. troops."

We also know that the United States and the international community has its claws deep into Haiti. Bill Clinton especially because as president he is guilty of what the Haitian people called the "Plan of Death" that structurally adjusted Haiti's economy to that which was convenient for america. Which makes Clinton's Presence in Haiti presiding over the rebuilding all the more perverse.

How much of this information concerning Aristide is propaganda and how much of it is fact is an question i dont have the answer to. However the reality is there is alot of violence and corruption in Haitian Politics. There is alot of international meddling and manipulation of Haitian Politics. And as usual it is the everyday people who are suffering as a result. Let us not forget this is just the political context of an election occuring while Haiti is trying to rebuild from a massive earthquake.

Now concerning Wyclef's Presidency Announcement and Speech which according to this he has been contemplating since at least 2004

Wyclef attempted to paint himself as outsider candidate in Haitian Politics meaning a person who is outside of traditional politics as a man of the people. Said several times that he has been drafted by the youth population of Haiti to run for public office. He spoke that he wanted to bring the Haitian people together and that his focuses would be Infrastructure, Job creation, Education, Agriculture, Healthcare, and Security. Im cool w/ that (at least for now anyway there is still the question of how that needs to be addressed). He spoke on using his star power for Haiti's benefit, addressed (although unsatisfactorily) the YeleHaiti money mismanagement claims as well as expressing approval for Bill Clinton. I was particularly impressed with his desire to connect the Haitian people to the diaspora. I was hype when he said that.

Now here are my concerns. Being that CNN is an american news outlet primarily if not overwhelmingly seen by american people. Wyclef's appearance on Larry King is for us. Its an effort to legitimize his candidacy in our eyes. He said it himself he's interested in involving the diaspora is not opposed to using his star status in his campaign. This is problematic for me. The last thing Haiti needs is people outside of its population involved in its governance particularly given the history of international oppression of Haiti which Wyclef referenced as "what my people have gone through for 200 years". There is a concern that Wyclef's star power could cause him to fuction as a vessel for imperialist interests (particularly in the light of his residency status). He is after all actively soliciting international support. Which anywhere else would be political suicide. The situation with YeleHaiti is again large problem. I find difficult to find the logic in supporting a person for president who cant seem to manage their own charitable foundation. There are too many question around the money from YeleHaiti not getting to the people of Haiti. I donated that fund. I would like some answers. The banning of a political party in a "democratic political process" particularly of the most popular party and party whose members have been made political prisoners following the 04 coup is a huge issue and in the eyes of many make this election illegitimate all together. At this time, I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment.

I'm all for a man wanting to help his people. I'm even more for a man utilizing his resources to help his people. I don't see anything wrong with a man going after a dream. But lets remember this is politics. And the Haitian people cannot, I REPEAT CANNOT afford poor leadership, cannot afford corruption. Haiti Must be for the Haitian people.