I'm having issues with "Black People Are the Original Children of Israel"
Correct me if im wrong but the Jews trace the beginnings of their culture to Abraham and Moses. Now In old testament Moses is said to have been and Kemetic (ancient egyptian) prince as he was adopted into the royal family after being found on the nile river. After awhile saw dipped out of kemet saw the burning bush so on, so on, im sure yall know the story. After leading the hebrews out of bondage into the land of Canaan after some 40 years in the desert.
Now where is Canaan. Canaan encompasses modern-day Israel, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and adjoining coastal lands, including parts of Jordan, Syria and northeastern Egypt. In the Hebrew Bible, the “Land of Canaan” extends from Lebanon southward across Gaza to the “Brook of Egypt” and eastward to the Jordan River Valley.
Now As per the late great John G. Jackson Author of Intro to African Civilizations. The biblical individual known as Moses was a Kemetic Priest know as Moshe. Moshe was the head priest of the cult of Aton that was brought to prominence under Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. Amenhotep IV is know as a heretic b/c he banned the worship of all other Kemetic Goddesses and Gods in favor of Aton. In kemetic cosmology Aton is the physical disk of the Sun (Kemet as a fairly complicated system of sun worship). Amenhotep IV (who changed his name to Akhenaten in worship and recognition of Aton) is the father of all monotheistic religious practices. After Amenhotep IV was killed and the cult of Aton disestablished and the previously banned Goddesses and Gods of Kemet were restored, Moshe lead the followers of Aton out of kemet and into Palestine.
This information at minimum would denote that the original jews were black and products of Kemet. Which means they arent children of Israel they are children of Kemet. Which would make them African.
Now because black People were around LONG before the term Israel existed (thanx @7odsquad), to say that black people are the original people are Israel is a huge misnomer. It would lead black people to think that they are something other than African people.
oh and cop this http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-African-Civilizations-John-Jackson/dp/0806521899
It's not easy to use the terms 'Black' when describing groups in this time period. Everyone was 'Black'.
thats tru...speaking historically that is a blunt instrument. But i still think that lends to my point. that such Farrakhan assertion is misleading. at least to me it was
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