Reactionary Gender Argument....

Posted on 12:57 PM by Isaac | 0 comments

Slim thug proved he was an idiot

but there is a deeper issue behind his comments. Concerning the contiual anti black women slights that are seen in the everyday. However...

She said everything that i wanted to discuss

The title of the article is "Do We Really Want A New Black Man"

Discussing the contradictions women have in attempting to engage in relationships and negotiating gender roles.

Now i realize some of are saying wtf about me linking an article that is somewhat (and a necessary) critical look at black womanhood when slim thug dissed us. I understand i am not here to validate slim thug. I am here to speak to the constant social reality that assaults black womanhood and i feel that black women have to take control of that argument take control of that discussion and raising the bar. In that same argument Men who are truly men must do so along with them and hold their friend to that standard. Until we invest into each other its gonna be rough.

Thats Willie Lynch for you. Self hate on display