The evolution of a "tea party" was pretty much inevitable

Posted on 3:54 PM by Isaac | 0 comments

Now a while back i did a post called the Tea party is all about race (which can be found here) in which i linked an article by Bob Cesca (which can be found here)

The crux of the argument being the lynch pin for the Tea party is race and their populist platform and intense dislike of Obama is inconsistent with Obama's policy efforts and the unexplainable non existence of such outcry when George W. Bush was in office doing exactly the things the tea party is now protesting against that Obama is trying to ameliorate in their favor.

Now Check this visual aid out

Thanx @BeautyNubian and @DiggsWayne

The existence of a Tea party shouldn't be all that surprising because crisis breeds crazy. This again reaffirms the racial underpinning. Despite what the law says the ideology the United States is built upon that allowed for the existence of slavery that allowed for the existence for a segregation and that allows for the institutional racism of the police schools lending agencies republican and democratic parties still exists. Any notion of equality harmony or post racialism simply cannot exist in such an ideology.

Even if we excise that piece of political history. The republican party's use of racial fear mongering and other methods of exploiting the racist undercurrent. That undercurrent is a product of the legal successes of the civil rights movement that also destroyed the democratic voting coalition established by FDR. Which overtime created this Ultra Conservatives which burst forth in the form of the Tea Party. As far as what the tea party mean outside of revealing prevailing white supremacist male heterosexual ideologies, The tea party can have two effects. It can put the republicans in a negative situation because by virtue of their base is splitting or at the least pushing the party farther to the right which would alienate moderates and independents or function as motivation to their republican base. November will tell