Black Republicans: Realignment possible
There are at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans
I believe this is going to be a legitimate shift in how black people vote. The republican party is floundering and if things continue to go the way they have the republican party as we have known it since the southern strategy. As we all know the republican party has utilized racial fear to win power i dont understand how a black person casts in white a political party that sanctions the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Ann Colture to motivate their base. We have already seen how conservative candidates are being pressured by conservative racist groups like the tea party. How do you cast in with people like that. Its not that the democrats are any better both parties are two sides of a ruling class that arent really interested acting in equity with relationship to black people.
From a strategic standpoint the republican party is attempting to give themselves a new face and distance themselves from the republican party that was so damaged by Bush 43 and the McCain/Palin campaign. And they are attempting to play on the social conservatism of the older black people who vote more consistently that the younger black people who are more likely to be liberal. 32 Black GOP candidates running for congress is concerted effort to cultivate a black vote for republicans. I suppose the idea is that giving the conservative message a black voice will carry it further in black communities than a white one.
i will be keeping up to date on this
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