7-Year Old Aiyana Jones
if you dont know the story, shame on you and google it now.
I've discussed and tossed this around my head for the past 2 days and frankly im exhausted. the sadness and anger cant compare. On My homie Owl's blog i contributed my thoughts and feelings concerning this situation in a brief form and at length on my twitter.
Im heartbroken and all i can say is when will the collective we stop making excuses sacrificing our children and sacrificing our minds to protect a world view that makes us comfortable around our white friends. Everything this world does shows us the truth but apparently we have gone crazy.
but thats okay...im working to fix it. The cop watches need to happen education on the penal code needs to happen. learning how to handle an encounter with the law enforcement needs to happen. knowing who we are what we are and what that means in relationship to the world around us.
Peace after revolution.
I agree with you.
What ticks me off is the NON-coverage this is getting. If this were a little blond haired, blue eyed, lily white girl, that biach Nancy Grace would be all over it 24/7 calling for justice!
I'm white, and I hate how the hypocrisy of the media is basically fueling racism. They crucify some radio host for saying nappy headed, yet cops can murder a black child and that's OK? This same mostly white controlled media claims they are "fair and balanced". Yeah right. It's more like "rarely fair and balanced".
By the way, to the "professional" cop who pulled the trigger, you deserve the chair. You know, "ole sparky" to send you straight to hell.
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