Health Care Reform...Yo chillllll

Posted on 12:10 PM by Isaac | 2 comments

Seriously, though we should be able disagree and not be stupid. This debate has been wild and i've talked with people on all sides and one thing that is being made disturbingly clear that that people have 100 opinions based on about 10% of the fact.
And unfortunately that is our political system.

Healthcare Reform(HCR from here on) is a touchy subject. As is any major reform measure and whatever you feel about the particulars of HCR implementation the fundamental idea that people should not go broke behind their healthcare or be exploited on the basis of their health. The bill which is now law is not perfect but a step in the right direction. Every major reform in this country has not been an easy sell particularly in time of financial hardship (Personally i think Obama would have been better served to do a jobs bill first and healthcare just in terms of survivability but thats me).

Reforms never happen all at once and are never perfect they require continual attention to improve. For example civil rights legislation of 1964 still had to be worked on because of state resistance. For example, the voting rights act of '65 and the fair housing act of '68 and others. HCR will be no different. It is going to require continued focused involved in order to make this work. More than likely it will need to be continually modified and thats okay.

Now to address the dissent

Now there is a very very interesting class intersection here. History has shown how the white elite have used the non elite whites as their public opinion/action bludgeon to oppress people. Namely Mine. As im sure you asking yourself what does that have to do with it, consider the race baiting racial fear mongering the republican party has used in order to secure power. The Tea party is a prime example. Then also consider the inflammatory and false rhetoric that has been used to characterize HCR as socialism or government takeover and ideas of Taking our country back as though it went somewhere. In the american tradition that equates to a call for arms. Republicans are trying to channel this violent outrage to their benefit and the democrats are trying use it to characterize the mentality of the republicans, with mid term elections right around the corner. Be careful Black people and learn to shoot.


owlasylum said...

Yeah, unfortunately, most of us will pick up the art of aim, hold breath, squeeze, faster than we will learn to read or dialogue about these sorts of things with well informed opinions. Of course, after listening to Rush and Savage, I'm pretty sure the Right White ain't to damn bright themselves.

I don't know why Obama hasn't stood on his promise of spending money to develop black media outlets. He needs it.

As far as the HCR, I mean, damn...we are only supporting 12% of the population. 32 million people, everybody...that's is it. US loves to send everybody's children to war, but hates to pick up the bill of unity in domestic terms...We spent more money dropping bombs on innocent Afghanis and bailing out rich robber barons...get a heart!!

Great Post, Dingane....

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]the fundamental idea that people should not go broke behind their healthcare or be exploited on the basis of their health.[/quote]

What good is a system that doesn't allow "INDIVIDUALS" to go broke yet ends up causing the ENTIRE SYSTEM to go insolvent?

2 weeks ago I heard the CBC tout "Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid" as the 3 feathers in the Progressive's hat. Fair enough.

Just a few days earlier I read the USA Today - which is NOT owned by Rupert Murdoch say that the nation's insolvency will be triggered by ---- you guessed it: "Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid".

Clearly we are having a conversation but speaking two or more languages.

Here is what I have retreated to:
* What COMPETENCIES and FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES have been ENHANCED among the people with the passage of this bill and the consciousness that stands behind it?

After 50 years, 100 years do you expect those people who have had their life style lifted up to this standard to be more CONSUMERS or will they have become the Professional Service Agents who operate in these jobs?

This just might be the "Last Union Contract Signed With General Motors". Lots of cheers at the contract signing but the benefits did not endure because the entity to which you have contracted with was on unsustainable ground.