R.I.P T-Shirts and Tattoos as Ancestor Veneration
Ancestor Veneration is the practice of honoring and continued contact with the "dead". Based upon the idea that they are still living and have the ability to influence the "living". (sidebar dead and living are in quotations because in African Traditional thought it is in "death" where "living" actually begins thus life is merely a way station where we are to carry out a particular purpose and then move on.) Ancestor veneration is one of our more resilient African practices having survived christianization and islamification. With this in mind check this out
interesting how despite the state of cultural seperation many people of african descent (not assuming that these particular fellas haven't dug into their history)it never ceases to amaze me how some practices never really leave us and are reincarnated into different forms. Traditionally ancestors are giving offerings of food and/or drink and their spirits receive altars or specially built spirit abodes to house them when they come to visit us. While R.I.P T-shirts, tattoos or other assorted items may not be the traditional way of venerating our ancestors it is still veneration nonetheless. Further Proof that no matter what we are an Afrikan People
I agree I think our youth are beautiful and I cant help but to feel as if sometimes we condemn them with little understanding as to what they are really going through internally.Good post Bro.
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