Actual Black History: Afrikan Martial Sciences A brief overview <---Download it here
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This is a humble effort to present an overview of the Afrikan Martial Sciences in 850 words. The experience has been like editing down all the species of Earth to only 10 different types per continent. The dilemma is dealing with a time line of millenims from which to select the most important “creatures” to represent the magjesty of Creation. Yet what I will present is a valiant effort to stir the spirit of all who read these “cliff notes” to contact me for the “War and Peace” version and then begin their personal journey to research the glorious history of the Afrkan Martial Sciences!
Even with the unearthing of the Ishango Bone (dated 25,000 BCE) in AFrika in 1960 – the media has still presented the “Motherland” as a vast uncivilized land mass that was subdued by military and fighting strategies that were created by other cultures.
Yet with the introduction of the internet - Afrika - is being acknowledged not only as the birthplace of civilization but as the fundamental component of the martial combative sciences. These fighting systems were akin to our modern ground, boxing, & gymnastic techniques. Finally our 21st century society is slowly becoming familiar with the Afrikan fighting arts such as Zuar, Testa, Kalinda, Palo, Zulu Impi, Dula Meketa, Dambe and N’oboro.
First and foremost – let’s stop the myth that strangers just walked into AFrika and took people at will and no one fought back!
Throughout history, Afrikans have been venerated for their martial prowess. According to scientific timelines - the first widely recognized civilization – (1000 years before Kemet/Egypt) was Nubia (5500 BCE) (the present day Sudan) complete with martial sciences.
King Taharka (712 -657 BCE) was just one of the military geniuses of the Empire of Nubia - which translates to – “Land of the Bow”. His expert fighting systems (Archery, Wrestling, Stick Fighting) earned him a place of honor in the Bible for fighting as an ally of the Hebrews (2Kings 19:9 & Isaiah 37:9) Though many have been teaching this information about Nubia for centuries – it has finally been acknowledged by the National Geographic February 2008 Edition!
Until present day, one can find in the Chinese Civilization (4000 BCE) the lion dance as part of their culture for millenniums... But lions do not originate in China... So where was the connection? A small trivia note: Mali (a country in Afrika) has the largest Tibetan population outside of the country of Tibet. Now the war arts of the Japanese civilization (700 CE) are better known since they had the most diplomatic contact with the Western societies. Yet there is a Japanese proverb in a Japanese temple that says: "In order to be a Samurai - one must have a bit of Black Blood". To justify this statement all one need to do is research some of the tapestries that hold the image of “Tieguai - The Iron Staff Immortal”, one of the venerated 9 of Taoism.
Continuing on our historical journey I wish to introduce Hannibal (247-182 BCE). Hannibal the great military genius was Monarch of Carthage - which makes Hannibal an Afrikan War Superstar! He ruled Carthage (now Tunisia) which was in Northern AFrika. He was a Black Man, a Moor, a General and a royal pain in the behind to the Roman Empire (500 – 375 BCE). His military strategies even today are alive and well often being put to good use by the Pentagon. He outwitted the Roman military machine especially with those elephants over the Alps. The Moorish colonization of Spain and Portugal brought much to those cultures. And from the medieval era there was the “Black Knight” Saint Maurice, canonized by the Catholic Church for his honor on and off the battlefield.
Afrikan cultures were established in 10,000 BCE! Imagine that as an equation... Historical antiquity is very much an interactive kaleidoscope of stories, traditions and facts. Physical travel was the only source of communication between cultures and visiting from one country to the next meant people stayed sometimes for years…. Prime example: Marco Polo! And if he hadn’t brought those Chinese Martial Arts Performers back to Europe with him then Louis the XVI would never have seen this art and then there never would have been ballet! But that is a story for another time…..
During these times any number of events (plague, small battles, marriage, birth, and death) could change the leadership thus the entire scope of the mission. So those countries that were the closest in geography were also the closest in culture. Specifically I am referring to Coastal areas of Afrika in relation to Greece and Italy in ancient times. Then came Spain and Portugal – and the diaspora began through the slave trade.
Now lets’ “Bite” into the meat of the story with Alexander of Macedonia/Greece (356-323 BCE) and his dear buddy Aristotle (384-324 BCE). This dynamic duo traveled to Alexandria, Kemet and spent a great deal of time collecting information on EVERYTHING….. Math, Science, Medicine, History, and of course… Military hand to hand. They translated into Greek the military strategies from the Nubian fighting systems that were archived in the Library of Alexandria.
Remember these scientific facts…. The first civilizations were established in Afrika (Kemet, Nubia, Kush and Ethiopia) complete with physical sciences, mathematics, history, medicine, art, dance, x-ray machines, calendars, electricity, irrigation systems, astronomy, surgery, universities, anatomy and martial sciences. These civilizations were the first interactive with the Middle Eastern empires - Persia & Babylon - especially in war.
Quick commercial break:
Are you aware that Aesop was a composite mythical person. He is the Greek version of the Afrikan culture keeper Luqman who is even noted in the Quran. The word "Griot" is Greek term for a storyteller and the Afrikan term is “ahadithi milinzi. This information was then absorbed into the Greek culture including the 42 laws of Maat (Honor Code) from Kemet. So by the time Plato (350 BCE) got the “word” 20 years later – the fact that the information was found in Kemet was erased. Yet this great skill of “culture keeping” is still very much alive in the great country of Mali!
Now on to the Great Zulu Nation under the leadership of Shaka. Shaka kept the British at bay for generations. His 50,000 warriors would run 50 miles to battle and run back… Now that is combat ready…He was referred to as the “AFrikan Napoleon”. Yet I think that Pathfinder Miriam Makeba said it better, “Napoleon was the white Shaka!” Sadly the movie version of his life cast him as a savage who was subdued by British might and a white woman. Have you heard that story line before?
Then there were certain tribes that were not to be captured. Slave traders banned the Ibo tribe from their ships. Ibo warriors would chew off bonds into their flesh to free themselves then would lunge over board with a captor in their grip. Even the Women and Children – once taken off the slave ships – would boldly walk back into the sea in chains and drown themselves rather than live in bondage.
So do not even think that it was an “all male party” in Afrika in the martial sciences - considering that the first true human remains that were found in AFrika were a woman. And since all DNA has been scientifically traced back to that of one woman - I wonder if women were the first martial warriors too!
Afrikan women warriors are seriously recognized in many cultures. There was the great Queen Zenobia who was consistently victorious over the Roman Battle machines. So much so they made her a “consultant” after her capture. Also in ancient times - the Candaces (Queens) of Ethiopia (Kush) have stood as a symbol of warriorship throughout time protecting their country…..
“Though Alexander reached Kemet (Ancient Egypt) in 332 B.C., on his world conquering rampage there was one of the greatest generals of the ancient world also the Empress of Ethiopia. This formidable Black Queen Candace was world famous as a military tactician & field commander. Alexander could not entertain even the possibility of having his world fame and unbroken chain of victories marred by risking a defeat, at last, by a woman. He halted his armies at the borders of Ethiopia and did not invade to meet the waiting Black armies with their Queen in personal command.”
The prowess of the Afrikan female warrior can also be documented through the stick fighting of the Ashanti women during battle. Then there were the French troops who were struck with fear when confronted by the Dahomey All Female Regiments. The metal weapons of these women were attached to a rope and were used to decapitate.
There are no such women as Amazons… Just really dedicated female tacticians to the war arts in Afrika. These were the women who sparked the Amazon female legends. Here’s a question: If the Amazon River is in South America why are there no stories of warrior women during antiquity (Prior to 4000 BCE) from there? Obviously the Greeks did not travel to South America where these stories mostly originate! Or did they stumble on an AFrikan Female military legion and have a “heart to stone” experience with Afrikan Women who wore “locks” that resembled “snakes” thus the story of Medusa?
The Hebrew culture has given the Afrikan culture their props throughout history especially with the great union of Queen Makeda of Ethiopia (Sheba) and King Solomon. This great “Candace” traveled with her armies across the desert without fear to consult with a perfect stranger. Now that is a thought to make some light bulbs blink. Their offspring set forth a formidable lineage that can proudly state that the country of Ethiopia WAS NEVER COLONIZED BY ANY OUTSIDE POLITICAL POWER!
In more modern times we find another incredible military legacy that has spanned generations. Queen Nzinga Mbanda of Ndongo and Matamba (1583 – 1663) was monarch and general of her country of Angola until she was 63 years wise. She was royal authority over a vast territory known today as Southern Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia and Angola. She really aggravated the Portuguese by keeping them out of her country for 3 decades.
“But if Portugal fathered Brazil, Angola was the Black Mother on whose lap the child grew!”
Neves Souza, Da minha Africa e do Brasil que eu vi
The Portuguese and the Spanish were the first slave traders in AFrika and South America forcing hundreds of thousands of Afrikans from their soil. Their brutal treatment of natives is legendary and gave other countries the green light to initiate their enslavement of these cultures.
Yet the N’golo fighting techniques of this great monarch from Angola survived throughout the West Indies and South America. The very word "Ginga" which is the signature evasion technique of Capoeira is derived from her name. Specifically in Brazil the fighting arts of the Angola were absorbed into the culture. The N’golo is a Bantu combative science that is the progenitor of several combative arts that developed in the Americas.
The N’golo is also known as the Fight of the Zebras – a combat directed courtship ritual performed by young men of a village to win the hand of a young woman in marriage. Capoeira comes from the great AFrikan country of Angola. One tradition has capoeira, named for the slave quarters – capoeiras. Even now visitors to the country of Angola in Afrika can witness young men twirling expertly as they perform the “n’golo” while the “village healing circle” (roda in Capoeira terminology) pulsates around the participants chanting the “num” - the song from God. Even the modern day capoeira has the two very distinct styles: Angolan and Regional. No mention of Portugal here!!!
And as with all natural progressions of the culture of Afrika – evolution continued with “Break Dancing”, the great-grandchild of these challenge arts becoming the ultimate international “fight/dance” activity is still making history after its appearance in the 1970’s. This art has eliminated violent gang encounters in countless urban cities. It was the Black youth who brought the techniques to the general population in the “Boogie Down Bronx” with the Puerto Rican youth who took it to the “ground”. “Fever and Spy” were some on the first Black Breakers and “Patch” was one of the first Puerto Rican Stylist. The first “Breaking Crews” were NYC Breakers, Sal Soul Crew, TDD Crew Rock City Crew, Young City Boys and The Dynamic Rockers. And the legacy contiues with 21st Century AFrikan combat/dances legacy such as “krump’ng” which can be linked directly to the magnificent was routines of the Zulu nation.
Unfortunately it was the scourge of slavery that limited the Afrikan fighting arts in the Americas. Even Capoeira was outlawed in Brazil for years being tagged as “an activity of black criminals”. One of the most effective styles is called Jail House Rock which appeared during this genocide time period. Still in use today - it is most prevalent in the penal system. As an “ahadithi milinza”, (Culture Keeper) I have spent a great deal of time reading literature from many cultures especially my own. Sadly in our country no one mentions anything of the AFrikan culture prior to slavery in the common public education history books in depth. Therefore the world society largely believes that that Black people had no idea of civilization and the components thereof like martial sciences….
Unfortunately it was the scourge of slavery that limited the Afrikan fighting arts in the Americas. Even Capoeira was outlawed in Brazil for years being tagged as “an activity of black criminals”. One of the most effective styles is called Jail House Rock which appeared during this genocide time period. Still in use today - it is most prevalent in the penal system.
But just in case you are still feeling guilty about using words such as Plague or Holocaust when asked to describe slavery….. Here is a quote to chew on: “Colonialism is not satisfied merely with hiding a people in its grip and emptying the natives’ brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it.” Frantz Fanon, On National Culture Colonial Discourse and Post Colonial Theory. (P. 37)
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