On to the next one

Posted on 9:25 PM by Isaac | 7 comments

so apparently folks are a lil miffed at Jay-Z due to his two recent videos the above and Empire State of Mind (biting nas much?) but in anycase here it goes

at 2:11 in the video you see a cows head with upturned horns

generally akin to the following pic

in anycase the head of baphomet is well known pagan diety and is used as satanic symbol. Now this coupled with the lyrics in empire state of mind where is says "And Jesus cant save you, life begins when church ends", is definately gonna disturb some folks particularly in the faith community at least...thats what you would assume.

Where was the fervor when Jay-Z was big pimping selling poison talking about shooting people and the like? I mean equally as bad right? I mean dude was calling himself J-HOVA as in Jehovah which would mean likening himself unto God..so if thats your thing where was the outcry then...but oh well is what it is.


Nicole said...

Personally, I couldn't care less about the symbolism in the vid or what he chooses to call himself. Folks really need to get over the Illuminati flaunting their power. So what if they do? At any rate, the visuals were kinda stunning...in a slightly disturbing way. The song talked about the usual; likka, jewels, cars, money, clothes, set repping, ambition, etc. Old hat. The production was tight though. Me likes.

Isaac said...

personally im still sorta on the fence about the Illuminati..i mean there is a lot of suggestion that hint towards one but nothing really concrete or conclusive. In anycase if were were doing what we are supposed to an Illuminati organization would i think be forced to show itself. Anyway the lyrics topically were run of the mill. imagery again nothing new aside from what i pointed out. Production was awesome. My point is, if a person is disturbed by the head of baphomet and Jay-z's usage of it..where have yall been up till now.

Nicole said...

Why did I just notice that the sistah with the natural hair was looking down and dejected in a jersey and the weave queens were blinged out in hot shorts looking like they were having big fun. Perhaps the sistah with the natural hair felt sorry for the weave queens. Yeah that's it, pity mixed with revulsion.

OwlAsylum said...

Hmmm...I don't doubt that SOME organization exists, not quite sure if Jay-Z is a member, not quite sure if it really matters. I thought the symbolism was rich, I enjoyed it. However, with all of the "jocking Jay-Z" and Kanye for that matter, I am truly concerned for the direction that the culture will now take. Borrowing from the occult is nothing new, but neither was crack.

Mutt said...

my first time seeing this video. i thought it womped. random images of shit in black and white that someone apparently thought looked cool. the production was nicely done, but it's only polishing the turd. what happened to 'keeping it real'? closeup of jay riding in maybach / pan out to show rims / cut to ass and titties

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