Today's episode of We Have Got To Do Better is sponsored by the word Integrity

Posted on 9:59 AM by Isaac | 0 comments

Burris confirms he won't run for U.S. Senate next year


for those of you that don't know Roland Burris is a senator from Chicago who was appointed by the governor to fill the seat that was left behind by the President Obama.

This governor happens to be Rod Blagojevich. The Chicago governor who was accused charged, indicted, and is awaiting trial on a corruption case for trying to sell that same senate seat.

Burris fully aware of all of this and the threats of the Dems to block his seating accepts the appointment anyway. Burris associated himself with someone of highly questionable integrity and in process destroyed his own

and now cant raise the money needed for re election. The question is why. Imo Ego and the need for relevancy rather than diversity and black representation in the senate. Burris was defeated in his the last two electoral contest pretty much indicating a lack of connection and relevancy to the people he so badly wanted to serve and being the only black senator is a prestige post.

However if Burris had really considered his blackness I don't think he would have accepted the post. While diversity is important he would have done much better to publicly decline this appointment it could have possibly resurrected his political career and he would still have his integrity. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO BE THE FIRST OR ONLY BLACK PERSON TO DO ANYTHING IF IT CAN NOT BE DONE WITH INTEGRITY. Not to mention that he perjured himself in leaving out certain talks he had with Blago and the media circus that was his attempt at being seated.

Burris as ensured that the democratic party will be forever opposed to him not to mention being a huge downer to the post election black president high everyone was on.

Political opportunism gone wrong. Mega Fail