The Resident Evil 5 Controversy is Stupid.

Posted on 11:43 AM by Isaac | 4 comments

For quite sometime now there has been a some backlash about Resident Evil 5 (RE5) for having a white main character killing black people in Africa. At first glance even I was a little tentative however after seeing the game play and characterization of the game elements I'm thoroughly convinced that anyone who's angry and upset hasn't done their homework.

First, The game is set in Africa. So obviously there are going to be black people present. The games creators (who happen to be from Japan) even changed the setting to South Africa so that the zombie's could be more diverse. Even in the demo that was released in late January/early February you can clearly see middle eastern, Latin, Asian, and African all represented equally.

Second, we all know that zombie's have a kinda malaise about them that says, "Hey, I'm a Zombie and I'm here to eat your brains." This was not present any non-infected people in the game Africans included. So there weren't any non infected people walking around looking like there infected. (FYI In RE the zombie like state is caused by a virus with the exception of RE4 where it was parasite) Now there was a cut scene in which a non infected African is held down and forcibly made to swallow what looks some virus infected material and then he turns into a zombie rather violently but other than that

Third, To my knowledge nobody was mad in the previous version RE4 the blond hair blue eyed main character Leon, was killing Spanish villagers in Spain. I mean if an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere then RE4 should have been receiving the same sort of condemnation. To take it even further this contradiction suggests that black people are off limits when it come to villainous portrayal in entertainment and that my friends is quite hypocritical.

Fourth, where were was when GTA:San Andreas came out. I don't know maybe I was too young to care but I distinctly remember that nobody who was mad at GTA:SA was angry because of the glorification of Black on Black gang violence. If so it was real quiet. Most people were angry at the sexual content and overall violence (invincibility cheat+conventional weapons+police=dead cops).

In conclusion, play the game and decide for yourself don't be just sucked into being offended because the main character is white and the some of the zombies are African.


Johnny5Optimus said...

well i wouldnt say that San Andreas glorified it, but they did expand upon the "family" aspect. also, you can kill a full scale of race in any GTA game. Theres a diff between racism/stereotypes and reality, Videogames just happened to get there later than music and movies, but its still a relatively new format compared to those two. Resident Evil 5 has more problems than the geographical location, if anything the game is a accurate representation of its location as well as well the place where...well...*SPOILER*

viagra online said...

men I'm agreed with you i some points, but I have to say something in favor to this resident, graphics and sound and of course Shiva.

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That claim is ridiculous, it is just a game, I dont think it has any racism in it. Come not all is about racism.

generic viagra said...

I think that it is one of the best movies, video game and story, so Resident Evil is great.
I can watch the movie and play the video game a lot of times.